Welcome to non profit Desiple's Training program


Let’s help them together.

We hope with the guidance of Almighty God , KINGDOM OF CHRIST MINISTRIES will extend the word of God to remote ,foraway ,Tribal areas of India. The trained members will win the plenty of Souls to Eternity.

Our Committee

Meet those who help
others in need.

To undertake any form of activities to effectively practice UNIVERSAL LOVE AND SERVICE.



B.Th (Ex ZP Chairman, Nellore 1998-2000)

The Christian life of believing in God is to glorify God in the ministry of the evangelized ministry, the evangelization of the villages, the enlightenment. And the organization was set up to sing the praises of God so that they could provide ministerial assistance




Having a Christian family background, he has been associated with SALC for 12 years and has worked with Baptist and individual congregations for 15 years ,Provided volunteer services at International Christian Ministries and continues to advance in the ministry in indian villages and pastor training centres.

Joint Secretory


B.Tech (TCS, Hyderbad)

A young man who relied on the Lord with hope and determination for the sake of serving God in his youth.

Executive Member

K Venkateswarlu (PASTOR MOSES)

Telugu Baptist Church, Narukuru

In the service of believing in God and serving God, two new associations have been established since the year 2006.

Help Other People

Our fingerprints on the
lives we touch never fade.

Kingdom of Christ Ministries


A. To Establish, set-up and run and advance, Encourage and aid in helping Promoting , advancing and encouraging primary, secondary and higher education Including technical and paramedical education and allied and Colleges of arts, Science , commerce, medical and technology and physical training nursery teachers training, teacher training, bachelor of education training or college and/or training of handy craft, fine arts other useful arts, crafts among the public including the establishment and maintenance of shilpa – shikashnalays , kalakendras and other welfare centers for them.

B .To establish promote, setup, run, maintain, assist, finance support and aid to help in the setting up and/or running schools and other institution orphanages, widow homes, poor houses or other establishments for relief and help to the poor people and destitute..

C. To give provide and render help and assistance in cash or kind to poor /destitute people/ widows, etc.

D. To give provide and render monetary and other help and assistance for the relief of persons and animals affected by the natural and other calamities such as flood, fire, famine, cyclone, earthquake, storm, accident, pestilence, draught,epidemic, unbearable, cost of living and the like, to give donations, subscription to contributions to institutions, establishments, centers or persons doing relief work on such occasions.

E. To open found establish, promote, setup, run maintain, assist, finance, support and aid or help in the setting up and running hospitals, blood banks, clinics ,boarding houses, libraries, clubs, reading rooms, gymnasium and other training and paramedical technical institutes.

F .To meet traveling, boarding and lodging expenses for students or persons going abroad for higher education or other study, in arts, sciences, commerce, technical ,medicine, fine arts, cultural and social purposes.

G. To grant, pay or give scholarship, stipends, prizes, rewards, allowance, and other financial assistance or help in kind to students with a view to help them in prosecuting their studies in schools, colleges, educational institutions, technical institution, art schools, institutions teaching commercial and other training ,research or educational works in India or abroad.

H. To promote, organize, administer, establish, support, maintain, and grant aid to any other person, institution or society or club any organization whatsoever having for its objects of charitable purposes and to incur expenditure in connection there with.

I .To publish and or publishing books, pamphlets, periodicals, and newspapers, in India or outside for the spread and advancement of education and culture.

J. To undertake any venture, not specially mentioned above relation to the various welfare activities of the poor and down trodden and other section of society as decided by the trustees from time to time.

K. To assist in the development of spiritual life and relationship.

L. To promote assist and maintain all activities whoseovers carried on or wherever carried on in India conformity with the objects of the truest and as are conducive to the well being and general welfare of the nation or are conductive for advancement of any object or objects of general public utility not involving/carrying on any activity for profit.

M. The benefits of the society shall be open to all deserving general public irrespective of caste, creed, nationality, religion, sex and faith.


Donation campaigns
are running

We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Testimonals of


"Amazing place for students in need. We are impressed and looking forward in returning soon and help. Good luck with everything…"

"A beautiful, peaceful and loving heaven for the children. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to stay here and see the great work being done.".



"Wonderful warmth in your reception. Fantastic work being done with young people we have met. We will continue to support you. Thank you for everything."

Sara Logan


"The children here are so happy and lovely and so is the staff. I would love to come back and visit again."

