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2nd Aposthula Ministry.

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2ns Aposthula

We started since 2003

History of Church
The 2nd Apostilic Ministry, founded by Rev.Khadgajwala (Burning Sword) David Raj in the year 2003. This is a Ministry anointed by the gracious living God. It aims at furnishing the kingdom of God over all the nations. It has been approaching even the remote streets of several villages across Andhra Pradesh, India. This Ministry has established Five Churches and has approached about Four contact centers, and is still thriving for the further growth across the state..
The prayers of Rev.S.Khadgajwala (Burning Sword). David Raj and Sis.S.Asheervadamma have given boost to the growth of the Ministry upto these heights. The revelation of God given through Sis.S.Asheervadamamma by prophecy is today leading us with the guidance of the Holy spirit.
It is a non-denominational and non profitable Organization through which many people were saved and delivered from demonic spirits, sickness, troubles and family problems..
We the 2nd Apostles being choosen as the disciples of our savior Lord Jesus Christ to serve the people with abandon through our prayers and in obedience to Gods vision. This Ministry is dedicated to pray for the salvation of souls healing the sick and for redemption from the bondage of evil. We have come to know through prophecy that many youngsters across the world are dying with AIDS and we are here to show the Gods grace on them through our prayers.

Our Branches in Andhra

We take a broader, more holistic all


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35 properties


35 properties


35 properties


35 properties

Testimony of Rev.S.Kadgajwala. David Raj

Myself Rev.S.Khadgajwala (Burning Sword) David Raj was born on 1959 belonging to family of Hindu background who was named as S.Subramanyam by parents. During my childhood I involved myself with my parents in Idol worship and was well efficient in chanting

Those days I was among these people who used to criticize Lord Jesus Christ and His Children, as I was unaware of Jesus those days and even had never heard about Christ in our village when I was at the age of 16 years. Some believers (youth) came to our place and preached the word of God and listening to them. I started believing in Christ slowly, though being a Hindu. I was a truthful person by virtue. Then on January 21, 1981 I was married a girl who was a true and faithful believer of Jesus Christ. This was the first Christian Marriage in my Village and because of her I was baptized and came into Christ.

This was in the year 2003, when one fine day where every thing was on its way, that night after conducting a cottage meeting, we came home and went to sleep. The next morning when I was out of my home and returning back, my children rushed towards me with tears filled in their eyes, said to me “Dad, mother has gone out of her conscious”. When I ran to my home I saw a crowd gathered over there, with many advises and suggestions taking her to hospital. My heart sank when I saw that, and my soul was inspired to do nothing but just pray to God, pleading that your child who has been living for only you since her childhood, now needs your grace thereafter soon a voice aroused from her mouth. When she started speaking to me saying that “My son yours wife life time on this earth ends with 31 years”, also revealed that her total nerve system in her brain collapsed leaving a single nerve which was connected to her heart. Now again the voice said that, “Any treatment would not make her alive”. After hearing all these I was startled for few minutes thinking, what was this speaking to me? Slowly I affirmed that It was “PROPHECY ” through the Holy spirit.

It then made a covenant with me that, If God would give her life back then I along with my whole family should serve the Lord, for which I accepted it happily. Then God promised me to give her life back 15 days and with that faith I continued myself in prayer for 3 days and nights keeping my wife’s unconscious body beside me. Gradually days passed and she was recovering bit by bit day by day her nerves system were restored back which I got to know through the Prophecy itself. Finally the 15th day arrived and I was reading the Bible and God spoke to me through John Ch-4 which briefs about the women of Samaria and soon she was completely healed from the bed of death.

And that day became the day of my decision to serve the Lord with my whole family and then started the 2nd APOSTALIC MINISTRY and is continuing with the grace of God and in obedience of the Holy Spirit.


Testimony of Sis.S.Asheerwadamma

Sister S. Asheerwadamma was born in a Christian family. Since her childhood she was a staunch believer of Christ. Looking at her faith, prayers and dependability on God made her villagers to criticize her. This criticism resulted in bringing her a strong determination to live and for God and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. For that she used to go into the wildness nearby her village (komarapudi) along with some children, leaving those children for collecting twigs, she kneel down before God over a small hill and like this her prayers were continued. On one fine day in her prayer on that hill, she had a vision showing her a form having the wings of a bird spread and it had open arms toward her for which she was at that moment anointed by the Holy spirit in her abundantly by the love of God on her. This made an increase in her prayer times, love for God and willingness to spread the Gospel.

As God was pleased with her she then experienced another amazing vision as when she was praying with a heavy heart, she found herself with wings flying around a valley where she noticed a beautiful and sparkling pond of water above which were two doves as white as snow were circling there, then came suddenly a voice with thunderings saying “you desired to see the holy spirit ! and now you are seeing what you have desired, the Holy Spirit”. Even though She had a lots of work to do as she was the only daughter of her parents but, she had never kept behind her prayer time.

Soon she also thought of not being married and would submit herself in God, but it was her mother who wanted it (marriage) to be done to her. And as God said in Bible “To obey your parents” she forced herself to marry but with a condition that the Bride should be baptized and should believe & accept Jesus Christ as his savior and the same happened. She was married to Rev.Khadgajwala (Burning Sword) David Raj on Jan 21, 1981 and that through her prayers and faith in God. Today they all along with their children are serving the Saviour with her commitment. Amen.

Our Dedicated Pastors

We take a broader, more holistic all

Our Ministry Comitee Members
We take a broader, more holistic all

Open: Sat-Sun 10.00am-8.00pm